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Primula cusickiana

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Botanical Description

Leaves usually in erect rosettes, leaves inrolled as they emerge, oblanceolate to oblong, 40 mm long by 3-10mm wide, somewhat fleshy, merging into the broadly winged stalk. Flowers deep violet, 1-1.5cm across with a yellow, slightly farinose eye, in a spreading umbel of one to four on stems to 9cm high. USA, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and NE Nevada, very local, 1000-2600 m, flowering when adobe slopes are glutinous, later dormant as they bake brick hard, meadows and sagebrush. Ssp. domensis from high altitudes in Utah is a comparatively easily grown variant rose-violet flowers. Ssp. maguirei from low-altitude canyons in Utah has rose flowers darker near the eye. Ssp. nevadensis from above 3000m in the Snake and Grant ranges has leaves to 10 cm and funnel-shaped violet flowers. The adobe clay forms are probably ungrowable, but the saxatile alpine forms are potentially less intractable, but short-lived.